NJSL Presents Newsletter Signup
This newsletter, delivered monthly, is geared toward NJ State Library registered borrowers and State of New Jersey Employees. Learn more about the State Library’s upcoming events, programs, resources, and special collections!
- To sign up for the NJSL Presents newsletter, email marketing@njstatelib.org
NJSL Direct Newsletter For Public Libraries Signup
Receive weekly NJ library community news updates delivered directly to your inbox. This newsletter is geared towards library staff and library partners.
- To sign up for the NJSL Direct newsletter, email marketing@njstatelib.org

Talking Braille and Book Center Newsletter Signup
The NJ State Library Talking Book and Braille Center (TBBC) serves New Jersey residents of all ages (children, teens and adults) who cannot read standard print or who cannot hold a book or turn the pages of a book because of a physical impairment, a reading disability, or a visual impairment.
- To sign up for the TBBC Newsletter, email tbbc@njstatelib.org
- Read our current newsletter for an update on the services we provide.

Projects through TBBC are made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed on this website do not necessarily represent those of IMLS.