Blog Recap: Researching Your Pre-May 1848 NJ Ancestors

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Thank you all for attending yesterday’s webinar on Researching Your Pre-May 1848 New Jersey Relatives.  I hope you found the information useful!  Don’t forget that the slide deck for the class and a flow chart for Pre-May 1848 research strategies are up on the Genealogy Research Guide’s Guides and Handouts page.

In the webinar, we discussed:

Colonial Deed – Quit Claim by Benne (Cowaken) to Benjamin Hull 1701 Book AAA p.29

The importance of the May 1848 milestone:

  • State of New Jersey began to collect Birth, Marriage, and Death data for all residents.
  • Records also provide personal information (including birthdate, age, parents’ names)

Primary Documents (Records) vs. Secondary Resources (Books)

  • Most of the Primary Documents we discussed can be ordered from the New Jersey State Archives
  • Order County Collections from either the County Clerk’s Office (deeds, mortgages, marriage records, etc.) or the County Surrogate’s Office (estate papers).
    • See the County Page of the Genealogy Research Guide for a listing of searchable indexes to records available from the county offices’ websites.
    • has several NJ County records collections in the browsable image collections (except County Marriages, which are indexed!).  You will need to sign in with your free account to access.
  • The State Library has a wealth of secondary resources available, including 6000 Family Histories.  Use the State Library Catalog to create a booklist!

Where to start

Pre May 1848 Resources