At the NJ State Library, we’re dedicated to supporting your informational and research needs. Whether you’re seeking to obtain a library card, access electronic resources, or connect with a local library, our comprehensive services are designed to assist you.

Frequently Asked Questions
Below are answers to frequently asked Research Library questions. You may also be interested in our Research Guides. There is also a Talking Book and Braille Center FAQ.
Visiting the State Library
Are there driving directions to the State Library? Please see our New Jersey State Library In-Person Access Page.

Is there public parking at the State Library?
Free public parking in the State House Garage is available on a limited basis dependent on Legislative activity. There are two entrances to the parking garage:
- On West State Street, between the State Library and the State House Legislative Annex.
- Off of the Memorial Drive exit from Route 29. After exiting, take the jughandle on the right and loop around to cross over Memorial Drive. Make a left in front of the War Memorial building, towards the guard station.
The State Trooper will ask you for your driver’s license, and then you will proceed to the garage. Before entrance to the garage a security guard will ask to see your driver’s license and issue you a parking pass. There is also metered parking on West State Street. There is a credit card payment station. For other parking options, please consult Trenton Parking Authority.
Is there anything I need to do know before visiting the State Library?Please review our Visitor Conduct Policy.
Using the State Library: The Public
Does the State Library offer any programs or classes for the public?
NJSL Presents is our series of free, virtual programs, presentations, and trainings on topics of interest to State government, TESU, and the public.
I am a New Jersey resident. How do I access databases and eBooks?
Remote access to JerseyClicks databases is available statewide, for all New Jerseyans. Databases are available to anyone with a library card from their local New Jersey public library, and in some cases by geolocation without a card for anyone within the state of New Jersey.
NJ residents can now access a collection of eBooks statewide via the Palace Project. Your local public library may license additional databases and digital content like eBooks, music, and movies.
The NJ State Research Library also subscribes to additional databases available to the public onsite in Trenton.
I am a New Jersey resident. How do I borrow a book or article not held by my local library?
New Jersey residents should contact their local public library, which can request items using interlibrary loan. Interlibrary loan allows you to pick up and return borrowed materials at your local library. You can find a list of New Jersey public libraries here. Looking for public libraries in other states? Try here.
I am a New Jersey resident. How do I get a State library card?
New Jersey residents can register for library cards at your local public library. See Get a Library Card for information on the State Library borrower’s card.
How do I renew my book?
You can renew your book online by logging into your library card account. See How to Renew Books.
Using the State Library: State employees and TESU staff/students
I am a state employee or TESU staff/student. How do I access databases and journal articles?
You can browse the complete list of NJ State Research Library databases. Filter results by subject, type of content, and who has remote access. Many listings are free public and government databases. All listed databases are available onsite at the library. You can also search most databases at once using NJSL Discovery Search. For more information, see our research guide to Using Discovery and Databases to Find Articles.
I am a state employee or TESU staff/student/mentor. How do I access eBooks?
See our complete list of eBook providers. Many eBooks are findable in our online catalog. and in NJSL Discovery Search.
I am a state employee or TESU staff/student. How do I access books and articles not available in NJSL Discovery?
State employees and TESU staff/students/mentors can use ILLiad to request school and work related materials. I am a state employee. How do I access civil service exam study materials? Call or email Reference with the name of your exam and we will help you locate available materials in our test book collection.
I am getting an error message when trying to login to a database.
Access issues are frequently caused by the browser. Some steps you can try:
- Clear cache and cookies
- Open a different browser and try the same search.
- If you receive the message “Authentication failed due to insufficient credentials,” be sure you are using a valid barcode and have entered it without spaces. Library cards typically need to be renewed annually. If you haven’t logged in recently, update your information using one of the card registration forms. We will email you when your card is renewed.
How do I renew my library card?
You can renew your library card by filling out the registration form and including your card number. Our circulation staff will email you when the card is renewed.
Questions about Collections and Research
How do I find books, State documents, and other materials at the State Library?
See our online catalog.
How do I find New Jersey newspapers for family or historical research?
Our Newspapers Research Guide describes print newspapers received at the State Library, our newspapers on microfilm collection, and links to newspaper databases available remotely to state employees and TESU staff/students, as well as onsite here in Trenton. See also our guide to all known New Jersey Digitized Historic Newspapers with access points, both free and subscription-based. Note that the State Library itself does not have access to every current or historic newspaper published in New Jersey.
How do I find maps of New Jersey?
See our research guide to New Jersey Maps. We also have a collection available onsite.
How do I find New Jersey documents?
Many historic documents are findable in our online catalog. Some born digital documents are only available in our repository, New Jersey State Publications Digital Library. For more information, see How to Find New Jersey State Publications Online.
How do I learn about New Jersey history?
Our New Jersey Information Guide includes many links for an historical overview. We also have research guides on Black history in New Jersey, civil rights in New Jersey, and women’s suffrage. We also regularly blog about New Jersey History. The State Museum has wonderful exhibits–and dinosaurs. The New Jersey Historical Commission provides resources and support for history teachers and historical institutions. You may also want to visit some of our many public historic sites.
How do I get a copy of a New Jersey birth, marriage, or death certificate?
Official copies of certificates are provided by the Department of Vital Statistics. Historic certificates are available from the New Jersey State Archives. More information is available on our Genealogy guide.
How do I research my New Jersey ancestors?
Our Genealogy research guide is a great place to start. We also regularly offer webinars and blogs about genealogy research.
I am an independent researcher not in school doing specialized research, are there are any free resources I can use?
There are several major free search engines for research that may meet your needs. You are also welcome to contact us, we can suggest a research strategy. Depending on the topics you are researching the following search engines and databases may be useful to you:
- Google Scholar indexes academic and professional articles on a wide variety of topics.
- JSTOR contains articles on culture, ideas, history, and other academic disciplines. You can register for a free account that allows you to read most articles in your web browser (up to 100 a month).
- PubMed (free) is the federal government’s search engine for medical research and journal articles.
- See our recommended list of free government and specialized research databases.
New Jersey Law
I am representing myself in court. Where should I start?
The NJ Courts have a self-help section on their website that provides an excellent overview of what you can expect and how to begin the process of self-representation. You will find information on foreclosures, divorce and related issues, firearm removal, tax court, civil lawsuits, guardianship of incapacitated adults, child support and custody, appeals, landlord/tenant court, name changes, domestic violence, and a catalog of forms. Legal Services of New Jersey has an online tutorial on how to perform legal research.
I want to research a legal topic for personal reasons or an upcoming court case. How can I research at your library?
The New Jersey State Library has an extensive law collection and is staffed with law librarians ready to assist you at the law reference desk on level 3. They are available to help you with reference questions and get you started in your legal research. Some things to keep in mind:
- Legal research is a slow process that involves a lot of reading. You will want to budget your time accordingly.
- Forms are often not available and you will need to type your own documents.
- Library staff are unable to provide you with legal advice, tell you what form to use, or tell you which statute applies to your specific set of circumstances. Staff will provide you with resources you can use to answer those questions and assistance using those resources.
- Sometimes, the law is silent on a topic or a specific aspect of your research. This is very frustrating, but simply part of the process. You may need to change your search terms. The librarians can help you with this.
- Some of the items in our collection are available to be checked out. However, the vast majority of our collection is for in-library use only. The librarians will help you to determine what you can borrow.
I have to upload documents to the courts, can you help?
Librarians can help you with general computer usage, but we are not experts in the court systems. The NJ Courts have Ombudsman who are available to help you to navigate the court processes. Each Superior Court vicinage has an ombudsman program.
What can I do if I am having a problem with my attorney?
Attorneys practicing in New Jersey must follow and comply with the Rules of Professional Conduct, a subset of the Rules of the Court. If you believe your attorney has violated one of these rules, you can file a complaint with the Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE), which provides a detailed description and instructions for filing a complaint. Please note, the grievance process takes time and will not compel your attorney to take immediate action. If you need immediate assistance with your legal issue, you may need to hire another attorney to assist you. The NJ Bar Association has a lawyer referral service which is run by the county bar associations.
How do I request New Jersey court records?
See the Judiciary website How to Request Court Records.

I was told that the State Library has case materials (including briefs or exhibits) on microfilm. How do I access them?
The Law Library has a collection of selected case materials on microfilm. Before access, you must contact the clerk’s office and request the reel number for your case, we do not have this information. Once you have the reel number, you can visit the library to view these materials on microfilm. Things to know before you visit:
- Once you have the reel number from the court, contact the Law Library and we will confirm the reel you need is in our collection.
- Case files typically contain many pages and you will need to budget a significant amount of time to go through the material.
- You can make print copies from the microfilm at $0.15/page. We accept cash and check only.
- If you prefer digital copies of pages, you can bring a flash drive or USB stick with you to the library; we do not sell flash drives.
How do I find a legislative history of New Jersey law? See our collection of digitized Legislative Histories.
Living in New Jersey
What kinds of financial, language learning, or other public support services are available for New Jersey residents?
Many resources are described on our Get Help: New Jersey Social Services guide. You can also try 211 New Jersey. How can I find funding or grants for my non-profit, business, or library? See our Grant Information Guide. The Library Development Bureau has information on grants for libraries. How does I find scholarship information? See our Scholarships and Grants for Education guide. How do I work for the State of New Jersey? See the Civil service job announcements website. How do I become a certified librarian in New Jersey? Fill out and submit this form: Librarian certification application. How do I use public transportation in New Jersey? See our Travel and Transit Schedules guide. How do I find my local public library? See the Directory of New Jersey Libraries . Where can I donate books? See our guide to donating books.
New Jersey Politics
How do I register to vote in New Jersey?
- How do I find New Jersey mayors?
- How do I find my state legislators?
- New Jersey State Legislature website
- Congressional roster – House of Representatives
- Congressional roster – Senate