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NJSL Grant Information

Home How Can We Help? NJSL Grant Information

The New Jersey library community strives to fulfill the information needs of a vast and varied customer group. As always, the New Jersey State Library supports the state’s public libraries in serving all New Jerseyans—from pre-Kindergartners on the brink of emergent literacy, to students on the path to graduation and early careers, to disconnected individuals of all ages on the far side of the digital divide.

Through state and federal funds, the State Library periodically offers competitive grant opportunities for New Jersey libraries statewide.

Grant Resources

For more information about Grant Resources, click here.

Enter reports and send messages through our grants management system, in Foundant.

Apply for a Grant

Rev250, An NJSL Grant Opportunity Logo

The United States Semiquincentennial on July 4, 2026, marks 250 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, a milestone steeped in rich history and significance, particularly for New Jersey, which played a pivotal role in the American Revolution.

To honor this legacy, the NJ State Library is offering grants to public libraries, empowering them to celebrate and showcase the historical events, people, and places that highlight the state’s contributions to the nation’s founding.

For more information on the Rev250 NJSL Grant Opportunity, click here.

Manage Your Grant

Community Center Digital Connect – Capital Projects Fund (CPF)


The State Library is pleased to announce the Community Center Digital Connect grant program, a competitive grant program funded by the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund (Capital Projects Fund or CPF), established by Section 604 of the Social Security Act, as added by Section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

The purpose of this grant is to enable the construction or improvement of buildings designed to jointly and directly enable work, education, and health monitoring located in communities with critical need for the project. Capital Projects Fund grant funding can also be used for the ancillary costs related to eligible capital projects that are necessary to put the asset to full use. The purpose is to also address needs in communities that were most impacted by the COVID-19 public health emergency.

For more information about the Community Center Digital Connect grant, click here.

New Jersey Library Construction Bond Act (LCBA)

On July 21, 2017, Governor Chris Christie signed the New Jersey Library Construction Bond Act,  P.L. 2017,  c. 149, which authorized the issuance of $125 million in general obligation bonds to finance capital projects at public libraries. The State Library developed the rules to implement the Act for the construction, reconstruction, extension, improvement, and furnishing of New Jersey’s public libraries. These rules (regulations) became effective November 4, 2019.

Grants Manager

The NJ State Library’s Grants Manager researches and shares information about government, foundation, and corporate funding opportunities offered for library projects through the Grants for Libraries LibGuide, and through NJSL Direct, the State Library’s e-newsletter for the field. The Grants Manager also shares information about competitive grants offered by the NJ State Library on the Grants for Libraries page.

Federal Aid and Unique Entity Identifier

Grantmakers include government agencies, corporations and foundations.

  • The Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) is the only federal program exclusively for libraries. The LSTA Grants to States program is administered by the Institute of Museum and Libraries Services (IMLS) and funds are distributed to State Library Administrative Agencies to support statewide initiatives and to provide local support through subgrants or cooperative agreements. There is a requirement for a state match, which helps stimulate approximately three to four dollars for every federal dollar invested.
    • As funding allows, LSTA subgrant opportunities will be featured on the Grants for Libraries page.
    • Information regarding Federal grants administration (especially relating to allowable costs) may be found in the Uniform Guidance.
  • IMLS also administers a competitive discretionary grant program for libraries. Check their website for current opportunities.
  • The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has numerous collections preservation and access and program grants available for libraries.
  • Check for the latest opportunities across Federal agencies.

Helpful Unique Entity Identifier Documents:

Past Grant Opportunities

Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) – Grants to States

Using our federal Library Services and Technology Act – Grants to States grant, the State Library is offering awards between $2,000 and $20,000 to eligible organizations (public libraries and library consortia) to address literacy needs across New Jersey.

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)

NJSL was awarded $3.9 million in funding through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). A majority of these funds has been used to provide competitive grant opportunities for NJ libraries.

Additionally, a portion of these funds was used to provide various resources for New Jersey libraries.

The NJ State Library and Talking Book and Braille Center will also be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 for Presidents Day.
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