Statewide Digital Marketing Campaign

Life Happens @ Your Library - Venture beyond the bookshelves




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Life Happens @ Your Library - Venture beyond the bookshelves

Libraries are much more than just simply repositories for books. We serve every walk of life, we help NJ residents address a wide range of needs, and we offer a wealth of resources, services, assistance and support to our communities. This marketing campaign is designed to speak to the various “user personas” who may or may not know what the library has to offer. Life happens at the library, and we want to remind some – and introduce others – to this reality. Contact us with any questions, concerns or ideas:


Libraries are for…

Click on the tiled images below to access downloadable marketing collateral on these topics.

Life Happens @ Your Library. LIbraries are for: Homeowners, Creators, Fun, Job Seekers, BusinessesLife Happens @ Your Library. LIbraries are for: Homeowners, Creators, Assistance, Job Seekers, Businesses
Life Happens @ Your Library. LIbraries are for: Homeowners, Creators, Support, Job Seekers, BusinessesLife Happens @ Your Library. LIbraries are for: Homeowners, Creators, Newcomers, Job Seekers, Businesses
Life Happens @ Your Library. LIbraries are for: Homeowners, Creators, Learning, Job Seekers, BusinessesLife Happens @ Your Library. LIbraries are for: Homeowners, Community, Creators, Job Seekers, Businesses
Life Happens @ Your Library. LIbraries are for: Homeowners, Creators, Businesses, Job Seekers, LearningLife Happens @ Your Library. LIbraries are for: Homeowners, Creators, Job Seekers, Community, Businesses
Life Happens @ Your Library. LIbraries are for: Homeowners, Creators, Everyone, Job Seekers, BusinessesLife Happens @ Your Library. LIbraries are for: Homeowners, Creators, DIYer's, Job Seekers, Businesses

Download the Logo!

Download the Life Happens @ Your Library logo by clicking on the logos above, or these links.

We did the research!

We worked with the New Jersey Office of Innovation to conduct research to gain insights into reasons why NJ residents may or may not be visiting the library. This research helped to inform the statewide marketing campaign. Check out some of the key findings!

Campaign Naming Contest

We’d like to thank everyone who participated in our Statewide Marketing Campaign Naming Contest. We had so many great submissions to choose from and it was a tough decision to pick just one. Although we ultimately had to choose one submission, all of the different ideas and perspectives inspired us in the brainstorming stages of the campaign. A special thank you and congratulations to Marygrace Luderitz from the Long Hill Township Library who came up with the name: Life Happens @ the Library. We used this as inspiration, and we’re really excited that this theme will be used by public libraries throughout the state to let people know just how much we have to offer beyond books!

Life Happens @ Your Library - NJ State Library, NJLA, LibraryLinkNJ, and Libraries Are Essential