In order for patrons and researchers to have a pleasant and productive experience at the library, all visitors to the library are expected to comply with the following rules:
- Any behavior or action that damages library property, interferes with another visitor’s use of the library, library personnel’s ability to do their work, or a safe library environment is not allowed.
- Visitors shall be engaged in activities associated with the use of the State Library while in the building.
- Visitors are allowed in public areas of the library and may go into non-publicareas only when escorted by a member of library staff.
- Visitors may bring ONE personal item (ex. tote bag, backpack) that can fit undera library chair. Suitcases, shopping carts, multiple bags are examples of items notallowed. Personal items must be kept out of aisles and walkways. Any personalitems left unattended will be reported to building security.
- Visitors will refrain from eating and drinking in any area of the library.
- Children under the age of 17 are allowed in the library only when accompaniedand supervised by an adult.
- Photography and any form of audio-visual recording within the library requiresadvance permission from the Library Administration.
- Service animals trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with adisability are permitted in the library and will be under the control of their handlerat all times.
All visitors to the New Jersey State Library, including the Talking Book and Braille Center, who are 17 years or older are required to present a photo ID to security upon entrance. This is a security protocol that will not be waived for any reason or any visitor.
Any visitor violating the library’s rules, or local, state or federal laws or regulations, may be asked to leave the premises or subject to arrest. Any library visitor who violates this Visitor Conduct Policy may be denied access to the library by the State Librarian, Director of the NJ State Research Library, or the New Jersey State Police.