Business and Technology Services
The Office of Business and Technology Services provides development outreach to local businesses and entrepreneurs, and workforce development assistance to their community members. The Office also makes presentations and offers training in the latest technologies to libraries, business groups and organizations.
Disaster Preparedness and Recovery
Disasters come in all shapes and sizes, from natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, fires, and earthquakes to man-made emergencies such as chemical spills, train wrecks, and terrorist attacks. You and your staff must be prepared to respond to protect your building and collections, and to reopen the library as quickly as possible to help your community.
Click here to find out more information on Disaster Preparedness and Recovery.
Diversity and Literacy Projects and Initiatives
Social Work Informed Library Services in NJ (SWILIBS-NJ)
The NJ State Library’s Social Work Informed Library Services in NJ (SWILIBS-NJ) pilot program aims to enhance public libraries’ capacity to provide essential social services. By integrating social work interns into library settings, the initiative seeks to address community needs more effectively. This collaboration leverages the strengths of both library professionals and social workers to make a meaningful difference in the lives of New Jersey residents.
NJSL + Partners Literacy Project
The NJ State Library’s NJSL + Partners Literacy Project enhanced digital literacy and workforce readiness across the state. By establishing a network of “hub” and “spoke” libraries, the program provided standardized training and certification to assist individuals in developing essential digital skills.
Health Literacy
Health literacy affects people’s ability to successfully navigate the health care system (including filling out complex forms and finding service care providers), engage in self-care and management of chronic diseases, and understand the mathematical concepts of risk and probability. Low health literacy leads to poor health outcomes, which are associated with higher health care costs.
Click here to learn more about The Importance of Health Literacy.
Training for Librarians
Programs and webinars of interest to the New Jersey library community. Continuing Education opportunities for librarians, trustees, and support staff.
Click here to find out more information on Training for Librarians.
Youth Services
Youth Services, provides assistance to certified librarians and library staff members who work with youth ages 0 – 18 on a wide range of topics including grant opportunities, resource sharing, best practices and readers advisory.
The unit administers award programs, coordinates the annual Statewide Summer Reading Program, the annual Youth Services Forum, offers continuing education opportunities and acts as a liaison to other local, regional and statewide organizations working with youth through collaborative partnerships.

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed on this website do not necessarily represent those of the Institute of Museum and Library Services.