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NJSL’s Funding Information Center

Home NJSL’s Funding Information Center
Bulletin board in the Funding Information Center collection at the New Jersey State Library.
The Funding Information Center collection at the New Jersey State Library.

What is the Funding Information Center?

The New Jersey State Library’s Funding Information Center provides free training and resources for individuals and nonprofits looking for grant funding.   We have been a community location with Candid (formerly The Foundation Center) since 1974.  Through this membership, we provide onsite access to Candid’s grant research databases.





What resources and training are available through the Funding Information Center?

Electronic Resources

Computer showing the Foundation Directory Online Professional database
Research computer showing the Foundation Directory  Professional database.

NJSL’s Funding Information Center provides free, onsite access to Candid’s research databases:

Foundation Directory – Professional:  Provides detailed information on over 240,000 U.S. foundations, corporate giving programs, and grantmaking public charities, with links to financials and 990-PF tax returns. Search by name, EIN, location, subject area, types of support, and more. View profiles for over 27 million previously-awarded grants, including their purpose, amount, and recipient.  Foundation Directory includes data on funding for individuals, including scholarships and fellowships. Updated weekly.

GuideStar Pro: Provides information on the finances, leadership and missions of charities and nonprofits. Search by name, keyword, location, nonprofit type, subject area and more.  Profiles include revenue and expenses breakdowns, contact information, links to 990 tax forms, mission statements, and governance information.  Onsite access only.

In addition to these databases, we also have several research guides to help users find information about grants, scholarships, and nonprofit management.  The research guides can be accessed online remotely.


Print Resources and Periodicals

Books and periodicals in the Funding Information Center collection at the New Jersey State Library.
Books and periodicals available in the Funding Information Center collection.

The Funding Information Center has over 1,000 print resources related to various funding and nonprofit topics.  You can borrow these print resources using a NJSL library card or by requesting them through interlibrary loan at your local public library.  Browse the collection using State Library catalog.

Additionally, we subscribe to a selection of nonprofit and philanthropy related periodicals, including:

  • Advancing Philanthropy
  • The Chronicle of Philanthropy
  • The NonProfit Times




We offer regular virtual classes on nonprofit management topics, like grant writing, fundraising, event planning and more.  To see our latest programs, visit our events calendar.  You can also view recordings of our past webinars on our Foundations and Nonprofits video playlist.

In addition to our group classes, we offer one-on-one tutorials on how to use the Foundation Directory Professional database.  Tutorial sessions are scheduled in advance and generally run 30-60 minutes, depending on your research needs.  If you’re interested in scheduling a tutorial, contact Leigh Clark at

What is Candid?

In 2019, the Foundation Center and GuideStar merged to form the nonprofit organization, Candid.  For more information, visit

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