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Law Collection

The Law Library offers a comprehensive collection of American legal materials, serving both professionals and the general public. We specialize in New Jersey legal materials, which includes statutes, cases, administrative regulations, administrative agency decisions, legislative bills dating back to 1832, and a comprehensive selection of books and journals on New Jersey law. The Law Library also provides online access to out-of-state laws and cases, a collection of books and journals on all areas of American law, as well as a number of legal research databases.

Special Collections

  • Superseded pages from the New Jersey Administrative Code, allowing researchers to discovery the text of old New Jersey regulations.
  • Superseded volumes of New Jersey Statutes Annotated, where the researcher can find the text of old laws.
  • Records and briefs from the New Jersey Supreme Court, the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court, and the old New Jersey Court of Errors and Appeals.
  • New Jersey Legislative Histories, a compilation of documents that can be used to research the the purpose and intent behind laws passed by the Legislature from 1969-2022.

Online Resources

  • LEXIS and WESTLAW are available on two computers located in the library. Remote access is not available.

State employees and TESU staff/students with an active library card have remote access to the following:

  • CCH AnswerConnect provides current federal and state tax law information, as well as news on emerging tax issues
  • HeinOnline includes full text of session laws, historical statutes, law reviews and Federal Legislative Histories
  • Making of Modern Law provides historical primary material
  • National Consumer Law Center Digital Library provides access to eBooks on consumer law, including debtor rights, mortgages and foreclosures, credit and banking, deception and warranties, consumer litigation, surviving debt, and HUD tenants’ rights
  • Wolters Kluwer Legal Research/VitalLaw provides legal resources on HealthCare, Labor & Employment Law, Human Resources and Sexual Harassment & Workplace Compliance


The Law Library reference desk is located in the reading room on Level 3 (street level) of the State Library.

New Jersey State Library – Level 3
185 West State St.
(mailing address: PO Box 520)
Trenton, NJ 08625


Telephone: 609-278-2640 x102
Fax: 609-278-2648

The NJ State Library and Talking Book and Braille Center will also be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 for Presidents Day.
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