EBSCO eBooks
EBSCO eBooks includes over 18,000 non-fiction and academic titles you can download to your computer or the EBSCO Mobile app on your Android or Apple device. Check out our New Books Blog and new EBSCO eBooks feed for updates. Remote access is restricted to State employees and Thomas Edison State University staff, students, and mentors.
Our OverDrive collection includes over 50,000 popular fiction and non-fiction eBooks and digital audiobooks, including eBook versions of our Civil Service test preparation collection. You can read on your desktop or download the “Libby” app on your mobile device. Remote access is restricted to State employees and Thomas Edison State University staff and students.
Gale eBooks
A collection of over 100 reference eBooks covering business, education, the environment, history, medicine, religion, science and social science. Remote access is restricted to State employees and Thomas Edison State University staff and students.
Oxford Reference eBooks and Oxford English Dictionary
You can also browse Oxford eBooks in the catalog. Remote access is restricted to State employees and Thomas Edison State University staff and students.
Wolters Kluwer eBooks
Our subscription to WK VitalLaw gives us access to about 20 eBooks mostly in employment and labor law. Remote access is restricted to State employees and Thomas Edison State University staff and students.
National Consumer Law Center eBooks
We own about 20 eBooks published by the National Consumer Law Center on debtor rights, mortgages and foreclosures, credit and banking, deception and warranties (including auto), consumer litigation, surviving debt, and HUD tenants’ rights. Remote access is restricted to State employees and Thomas Edison State University staff and students.
eRead New Jersey
New Jersey’s statewide eBook database contains 900 fiction titles for adults, YA, and children. Remote access is available to State employees and Thomas Edison State University staff and students using this link. New Jersey library card holders can access eRead NJ with their local public library card.
Salem Press Online
Access reference eBooks published by Salem Press and Greystone on health, science, social science, American history, and business. Includes content such as America’s Top-Rated Cities, Magill’s Medical Guide, and Defining Documents in American History. Remote access is restricted to State employees and Thomas Edison State University staff and students.
Peterson’s Test and Career Prep eBooks
You can also browse Peterson’s eBooks in the catalog. New Jerseyans can use this link to login without a library card if you are within the State of New Jersey (authenticated by geolocation). Funded by JerseyClicks.
The Palace Project
Through the Palace app, library users have access to over 20,000 items curated by the Digital Public Library of America and the New Jersey State Library. Users can access the Palace app on their preferred mobile device or tablet via download from the Apple or Google Play stores. Remote access is free to all; some collections are only available in New Jersey.
Also available
- Complete list of NJSL databases with eBooks
- Browse Reference eBooks by subject for encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference titles.
Selected New eBooks Blog
Audiobooks at the State Library
Audiobooks on CD
The State Library maintains a collection of over 400 audiobooks on CD available for loan to all registered borrowers.
Download a spreadsheet of the Audiobook and print fiction collections on Level 3 at the New Jersey State Library .
Contact Reference Services if you have any questions or need help.