New Jersey Colonial Ordinances

Colonial ordinances in the State Library’s Rare Books Collection, available for download from the New Jersey State Digital Publications Library.


A Catalogue of Fees Established by the Governour and Council for the Province of New Jersey. 1704.


An Ordinance For Establishing Courts of Judicature. Printed by William Bradford Printer to the Queens Most Excellent Majesty in the City of New York. 1704.


An Ordinance For Regulating Courts of Judicature in the Province of New Jersey. Printed by William Bradford in New York. 1724.









An Ordinance For Regulating and Establishing fees within his Majesty’s Province of New Jersey. Printed and Sold by William Bradford. 1724


An Ordinance for Regulating and Establishing the Fees to be hereafter taken by the officers of the Courts of Chancery of the Province of New Jersey. 1724.


An Ordinance for Regulating Courts of Judicature in the Province of New Jersey. Printed and Sold by William Bradford in New York. 1725.


An Ordinance for Establishing the Remedies for abuses in the practice of Law Possibly 1728.


An Ordinance for Regulating Courts of Judicature in the Province of New Jersey. 1728.


An Ordinance for Regulating and Establishing the Fees to be hereafter taken by the officers of the Court of Chancery of the Province of New Jersey. Printed and Sold by William Bradford, New York. 1730.


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