New Jersey. Adjutant-General’s Office. RECORD OF OFFICERS AND MEN OF NEW JERSEY IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865. Trenton, NJ, John L. Murphy, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1876. Two volumes. “Published by authority of the Legislature.” William S. Stryker, Adjutant General.
This new digital version of Stryker’s classic work, presented by the New Jersey State Library, is completely searchable utilizing full Boolean logic. See the search tips and database description pages for more information.
The Record is arranged by regiments in numerical order. Each regiment’s chapter gives a brief summary of its actions followed by a roster of its members which provides rank, date commissioned or enrolled, date mustered in, length of enlistment, date mustered out, and provides other information including promotions, transfers, wounds, deaths and desertions.
The New Jersey regiments are listed first followed by “Miscellaneous Organizations,” which are regiments from other states–mostly from Pennsylvania. It also includes the Veteran Reserve Corps, the United States Colored Troops, and the U.S. Army and Navy regulars.
An interesting mystery about this publication is its title as listed on the title page: Record of Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Civil War, 1861-1865 (emphasis added) because 1876 seems very early to be referring to this as the Civil War (though some in the north always referred to the war as the Civil War). Indeed, the actual page headers in the paper version (the only thing omitted in this digital version) say Officers and Men of New Jersey in the War of the Rebellion (emphasis added). The NJ State Archives and the NJ Dept of Military and Veterans Affairs have not been able to shed any light on this.
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