The New Jersey State Library was awarded $3.9 million in funding through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). A portion of these funds has been used to provide the following statewide electronic resources for New Jersey libraries.
Offerings include:
- Zoom Enterprise licensing for up to 400 public libraries
- The Palace Project, an online platform that allows libraries to manage their e-book and audiobook collections
- Remote Assist, a tool that helps libraries reach remote patrons or provide services in the library while maintaining social distance
Zoom Enterprise Licenses
The New Jersey State Library secured a statewide license for Zoom, the popular online webinar and meeting software, that will support all of our public libraries’ efforts for remote programming, conferences, and meetings. The licenses allow each library to host meetings and webinars for up to 500 attendees. This license is available for all public libraries in the state.
To sign up for a Zoom Enterprise account, contact Sahar Dampier at If you need support after that point, contact Zoom here. This is chatbot-only support. If your need is greater than what can be achieved using that service, contact Sahar.
The Palace Project
Palace Project is an open-source, e-reading software suite that allows libraries to manage their collections and control the patron experience for finding, borrowing, and reading library e-books and audiobooks. For libraries with multiple collections (from Overdrive/Overdrive Advantage, RBdigital, Baker & Taylor, Bibliotheca, and/or DPLA), it unifies the patron experience to a single interface using the free Palace Project mobile application available for both IOS and Android devices. The Palace Project mobile application allows libraries to:
- Manage patron experience
- Enhance existing collections
- Increase access to collections
- Keep library identity
- Maintain commitment to patron privacy
For assistance, click here. If your library belongs to a computer consortia, please check with the director first to ensure that your consortia will be utilizing this product.
Click here for a list of participating libraries.
Remote Assist
JerseyConnect is offering Remote Assist, a free service, to all libraries statewide. Remote Assist will help libraries reach remote patrons or provide services in the library while maintaining social distance. Here are some of the key features available:
- Remote assistance lets you connect with patrons anywhere, from anywhere, to assist them with using library resources. Patrons just need a session code to join.
- Remote access lets you manage your library’s PC from anywhere, to assist patrons sitting at a public PC or perform administrative tasks like updates and restarts.
- Chat support lets you interact with patrons from your library’s website, with no software for visitors to install.
- There are no limits to the number of staff users, managed PCs, or sessions.
For more information including quick start guides for staff and patrons, check out our info page at:
And if you have any questions or would like to get started, just contact us at; JerseyConnect Operations,;; 866-468-7043
This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS award number LS-250226-OLS-21). The views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed on this website do not necessarily represent those of the Institute of Museum and Library Services.