Library Trustees

Being a library trustee means that you have been entrusted with the welfare of an important community institution capable of serving everyone in your community. A trustee’s first loyalty is to the library and the community it serves.

Library Trustee Resources (PDF)


Trustees on Track (YouTube)

This collection of eight videos features library trustees sharing their experiences and thoughts on topics that every library board across the country faces.

ALA United for Libraries

On February 1, 2009, Friends of Libraries U.S.A. (FOLUSA) and the Association for Library Trustees and Advocates (ALTA) joined forces to become an expanded division of ALA known as the Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations, now United for Libraries. Through this partnership, United for Libraries brings together libraries voices to speak out on behalf of library services and free public access to information.

United for Libraries is a national network of enthusiastic library supporters who believe in the importance of libraries as the social and intellectual centers of communities and campuses. No one has a stronger voice for libraries than those who use them, raise money for them, and govern them. By uniting these voices, library supporters everywhere will become a real force to be reckoned with at the local, state, and national levels.

Trustee Manual for New Jersey Public Libraries

Downloadable files below are available in PDF format.

Library Trustee Online Resources & Reference Center

Advocacy and Outreach

Capital Planning

Friends of the Library

Downloadable files below are available in PDF format.


Hiring & Evaluating the Library Director

Library Finance & State Aid

Library Law

Library Structure and Funding


Strategic Planning

Trustee Core Knowledge

The NJ State Library would like to thank our Trustee Institute presenters for allowing these handouts to be posted.

For questions concerning Trustee issues contact:

Michele Stricker
Deputy State Librarian, Library Development Bureau
New Jersey State Library
at 609-278-2640 Ext. 164

Bob Keith
Director of Library Law, State Aid & Statistics
New Jersey State Library
at 609-278-2640 Ext. 192