Sharon Rawlins
Sharon Rawlins, Youth Services Specialist at the New Jersey State Library, shares booklists, resources, grant opportunities and other topics of interest to youth services librarians around the state.
Youth Services, a part of the NJ State Library’s Library Development, assists certified librarians and library staff members who work with youth ages 0 – 18 on a wide range of topics including grant opportunities, resource sharing, best practices and readers advisory.
The unit administers award programs, coordinates the annual Statewide Summer Reading Program, offers continuing education opportunities and acts as a liaison to other local, regional and statewide organizations working with youth through collaborative partnerships.
If you have any subject matter questions, please e-mail:
Sharon Rawlins
Youth Services Specialist
Library Development Bureau
New Jersey State Library
Solar Eclipse Activities for Libraries (SEAL) Program for NJ Libraries
With funding from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Space Science Institute, through its Solar Eclipse Activities for Libraries (SEAL) program has provided the NJ State Library with solar science kits, and information and activities to share with public libraries for their library patrons.
Click here to learn more, or register for a kit.
NJYAC Listserv
The NJ State Library has a long-established free listserv called NJYAC for youth services librarians. It was created in order to reach out to youth services librarians and library staff with announcements, grant opportunities, information about upcoming programs and discussions on youth services issues. Feel free to subscribe to get advice from fellow librarians or to share your own success stories.
- E-mails posted to njyac@njstatelib.org will be posted directly to the list without moderation.
- Replies to messages coming from the list will be addressed back to the list. If you want to e-mail someone directly, copy and paste their e-mail address from the message. Otherwise, your e-mail message will go to the entire list.
- Automated responses, except Out of Office notices, will get a person unsubscribed from the list with little or no warning.
- The list is archived back to March 2008.
Providing Library Cards to Youth During Covid-19
From September 17, 2020
To coincide with September’s National Library Card Sign-Up month, a panel public and school librarians will share their tips for how their libraries have been making sure the diverse youth they serve are able to sign-up online to get their own library cards to help them with their remote learning needs during COVID-19. All of the speakers are from libraries that successfully partnered for the Libraries = Success statewide initiative in 2019 to get library cards into the hands of middle schoolers.
- Aaron Pickett, Head of Youth Services, East Brunswick Public Library
- Vicky Ross, Youth Services Librarian and School Liaison, Burlington County Library System
- Tricina Strong-Beebe, School Library Media Specialist, Hainesport Township School District
with moderator Sharon Rawlins, Youth Services Specialist, NJ State Library