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Rev250, An NJSL Grant Opportunity Logo

REV 250: Examining the Semiquincentennial through a Jersey Lens

An opportunity for public libraries to celebrate New Jersey’s contributions and place in history.

Application due March 21, 2025

The United States Semiquincentennial, or 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, will be celebrated on July 4, 2026 and will be marked by a variety of events around the country. Many of the American Revolution’s singular events took place in New Jersey, including more battles than in any other colony. New Jersey’s first State Constitution predates the U.S. Constitution, and was used as a model for it.

Inspired by these events, and many others, both leading up to this pivotal date and after it, NJ State Library (NJSL) is launching a funding opportunity for public libraries. Libraries across the state are encouraged to celebrate the people, places, and accomplishments of New Jersey from its earliest days. Because libraries are revolutionary places, and instrumental in safeguarding community history, they are uniquely positioned to select historical events worthy of commemoration and importance to their communities. Through these grants NJSL hope to put together a collection that highlights and shares New Jersey’s importance and contributions to history as we prepare to celebrate the semiquincentennial.

The purpose of this grant opportunity is to give libraries across the state a chance to decide what is important to their community and design a grant-funded project to showcase the full range of events, people and places that New Jersey represents. NJSL highly encourages partnerships in project design and implementation. Potential partners may include, but are not limited to, nonprofit organizations, schools, institutions of higher education, local historical societies, museums, and other community groups.

NJSL estimates that $250,000 is available to fund approximately 15-20 grants using New Jersey Library Network funds.

There are three options for awards:

  • Digitization, with award amounts between $10,000 and $25,000, to safeguard and provide access to historic community materials.
  • Public Programming, with award amounts between $2,500 and $10,000, to highlight a cultural, educational, artistic or historic event of local importance.
  • Special Collections, with award amounts between $2,500 and $7,500, to build community knowledge through collections


Detailed guidelines to help you navigate the process are below for download. We’re working to ensure they’re clear, comprehensive, and easy to follow.


Applications must be submitted in Foundant, our grants management system:

A copy is available below for download.

Budget Template

Grant Application Questions

Applicants with questions in advance of the due date may email them to with the subject title “Rev 250 Grant Question.” An initial question and answer document will be posted on NJSL’s website by February 10, 2025 and will be updated once per week through March 17, 2025.

Helpful resources

We’re curating a collection of valuable resources to assist you. Check back soon for more guides, tools, and insights tailored to your needs.

Webinar recording

Missed the webinar? Don’t worry. A recording will be available here for you to watch at your convenience.

Our Partner

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The NJ State Library and Talking Book and Braille Center will also be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 for Presidents Day.
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