We are excited to see that projects are starting to be completed – or near completion. Please take a look through our slideshow and see some of the impact the LCBA has had on NJ libraries!
PAGE UPDATED ON March 20, 2024
On July 21, 2017, Governor Chris Christie signed the New Jersey Library Construction Bond Act, P.L. 2017, c. 149, which authorized the issuance of $125 million in general obligation bonds to finance capital projects at public libraries. The State Library developed the rules to implement the Act for the construction, reconstruction, extension, improvement, and furnishing of New Jersey’s public libraries. These rules (regulations) became effective November 4, 2019.
Amendments to the regulations were proposed in July 2023 to address issues that have arisen in implementation of grant awards in the context of the pandemic and its continuing effects, as well as a drafting error. The impact of the pandemic on local governments and construction costs and availability of workers has been significant. The amendments are designed to remove unnecessary burdens on grantees in planning and executing legislatively approved projects. The amendments were adopted by the State Librarian on September 5, 2023 and became effective October 2, 2023.

The State Librarian has adjusted the maximum dollar per square foot costs for LCBA project grant funding pursuant to N.J.A.C. 15:24-2.5(a)(1). The updated maximum dollar per square foot cost for Round 1 grantees has been set at $580.00 per square foot for new construction and $406.00 per square foot for rehabilitation and repair. For the rehabilitation or renovation of a building registered as a New Jersey or Federal historic site, the maximum cost per square foot has been set at $580.00.
The updated maximum dollar per square foot cost for Round 2 grantees has been set at $593.10 per square foot for new construction and $415.16 per square foot for rehabilitation and repair. For the rehabilitation or renovation of a building registered as a New Jersey or Federal historic site, the maximum cost per square foot has been set at $593.10.
Please note that there are no additional funds available for current LCBA projects at this time; this adjustment ensures the implementation of the Library Construction Bond Act program and the fulfillment of its purpose.
- The original Library Construction Bond Act (LCBA) law, P.L. 2017, c. 149, can be found here.
- The regulations governing the LCBA program can be found here.
- The adopted amendments to the regulations governing the LCBA program can be found here.
The State Library issued two rounds of grant solicitations, the first in Winter 2020 and the Second in Spring 2021.
Round One – Winter 2020
Round 1 of the New Jersey Library Construction Bond Act passed both the Assembly and the Senate on November 16, 2020. It was signed by Governor Phil Murphy on November 20, 2020.
- To see the Round One appropriation act, click here.
- To see the list of Round One grantees, click here.
Round Two – Spring 2021
Round Two of the New Jersey Library Construction Bond Act passed both the Assembly and the Senate on January 10, 2022. It was signed by Governor Murphy on January 12, 2022.
- To see the Round Two appropriation act, click here.
- To see the list of Round Two grantees, click here.
Round Two – Reallocation of Grant Funds
On October 19, 2022, the State Library, through the President of Thomas Edison State University, submitted a request to the Joint Budget Oversight Committee (JBOC) seeking approval of the reallocation of $1,764,447, appropriated to Newark Public Library during the second round of Library Construction Bond Act (LCBA) funding, to two projects which were submitted for consideration during the Round 2 application period, but were not awarded grants due to limited funding. Both libraries were eligible to receive grants under the Bond Act and were included on the alternate list of recommended projects to receive grants in the event that funding became available. On December 30, 2022, JBOC unanimously approved the reallocation request.
- To see the letter request submitted to JBOC, click here.
- To see the list of projects receiving reallocated funds, click here.
Managing Your Grant
Here you can find the resources to help manage your current LCBA grant.
LCBA Contacts
The LCBA program is being managed by the State Library. Here’s how you can reach us with any questions or concerns:
- Jennifer Nelson, State Librarian, (609) 278-2640 x101, jnelson@njstatelib.org
- Sheri Shafer, Chief Operating Officer, (609) 278-2640 x137, sshafer@njstatelib.org
Grantee Forms
- Authorized Signatories Form
- Moving Rent and Off-Site Storage Extension Request Form
- Project Timeline Extension Request Form
- Substantial Changes to Project Request Form – Initial
Resource List of Consultants
- Architects List
- Library Building Consultants
- Moving, Storage, Relocation Services for Libraries
- Interior Designers
- Fundraisers List
The State Library has provided these resource lists for information purposes only and does not make recommendations on any firms included in these resource lists.
Americans with Disabilities Act
- ADA and Libraries
- Libraries and Accessibility: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- 12 Basic Requirements for ADA Compliance at the Library
- ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities
- New ADA Signage Standards Take Effect
- The Americans with Disabilities Act – Title II Technical Assistance Manual
Other Resources
- Choosing an Architect for Your Construction Project
- Planning a New Library Building
- Public Library Construction Bibliography
- New Jersey Clean Energy Program
- Advocacy and the Power of Narrative: Storytelling as a Fundraising Tool (American Libraries)
- WBDG: Whole Building Design Guide This article, updated in 2017, gives an overview of design considerations for public libraries. The information on sustainable design is particularly interesting. It provides a checklist to ensure that public libraries incorporate sustainable design. The article also provides a quick overview of space needs and design demonstrating the kind of determinations and calculations that a building consultant will provide.