Library Law Page 8




45:8A-1: Professional librarian’s certificate

1. The State Board of Examiners shall, upon application, issue to any person a professional librarian’s certificate to act as a professional librarian if he shall be a graduate from a library school accredited by the State Board of Education and shall meet such other requirements as shall be fixed by the State Board of Education for the issuance of such certificates except that the State Board of Examiners shall, upon application, issue such certificate to any person holding, at the time this act becomes effective, a professional office, or position, that requires for adequate performance the knowledge and techniques of library science as taught in accredited library schools, in any library within this State supported in whole or in part by public funds, except in a library under the charge and control of a board of education, provided such application is made within three years from the effective date of this act or in the case of a veteran of World War II or a member of the American Merchant Marine during World War II who is declared by the United States Department of Defense to be eligible for federal veterans’ benefits, such a certificate shall be issued to any person holding such a professional office or position, who has held the same since November l, 1957, provided application is made within 30 days of the enactment of this 1991 amendatory act.

L.1947, c. 132, s.1; amended 1956, c. 152, s.2; L.1969, c. 83; L.1991, c. 389, s.31.

45:8A-2: Rules and regulations; fee

The State Board of Education shall make and enforce rules and regulations for the granting of such certificates for the issuance of each of which a fee of not less than $5.00 shall be charged.

L.1947, c. 132, p. 605, s.2. Amended by L.1956, c. 152, p. 622,  s.3.

45:8A-3: Public library officials may require certificates; persons already employed

The officer or body having charge and control of any library within this State supported in whole or in part by public funds, except a board of education, may, in its discretion, require, and any officer or body having charge and control of any such library serving any municipality or group of municipalities having a population of 10,000 inhabitants or over, except a board of education, shall require that any person hereafter employed in such library in any professional office or position, that requires for adequate performance the knowledge and techniques of library science as taught in accredited library schools, shall hold a professional librarian’s certificate issued by the State Board of Examiners as provided in this act. No such officer or body shall terminate the employment of or refuse to continue the employment or re-employment of any person holding a professional office or position at the time this act becomes effective for the reason that such person is not the holder of any such certificate.

L.1947, c. 132, p. 605, s.3. Amended by L.1956, c. 152, p.623, s.4.

45:8A-4: School district employees not exempted from other requirements

Nothing in this act shall be construed to exempt any employee of any school district from obtaining any other certificate prescribed by the State Board of Education as a requirement for the holding of any office, position, or employment in the public schools.

L.1947, c. 132,  p.606, s.4.



Please be advised that the entire text of this statute (N.J.S.A. 18A:26-2) has not been reprinted.




18A:26-2: Certificates required; exception

No teaching staff member shall be employed in the public schools by any board of education unless he is the holder of a valid certificate to teach, administer, direct or supervise the teaching, instruction, or educational guidance of, or to render or administer, direct or supervise the rendering of nursing services to, pupils in such public schools and of such other certificate, if any, as may be required by law.

Notwithstanding the foregoing certification requirement, boards of education shall be permitted to enter into contracts with properly licensed commercial drivers’ schools for the purpose of providing behind-the-wheel instruction as a part of a regular curriculum driver education course, provided that classroom instruction in driver education is conducted by a certified teaching staff member. When classroom instruction in driver education is conducted by a certified teaching staff member, persons providing behind-the-wheel instruction need not be certified teachers but shall be properly licensed driving instructors under rules and regulations of the Division of Motor Vehicles.

L.1967, c.271; amended by L.1983, c. 281, s.4, eff. July 29, 1983.





N.J.S.A. 18A:4-15, 18A:6-34 and 38, and 18A:26-1, 2.7, and 10; and P.L. 2012, c. 11.


R.2023 d.061, effective April 6, 2023.
See: 54 N.J.R. 2292(a), 55 N.J.R. 853(a).


Chapter 9B, State Board of Examiners and Certification, was recodified in part from Chapter 9, Professional Licensure and Standards, by administrative change, effective August 4, 2014. As part of the recodification, attendant technical changes were made to the rule text concerning cross-references and the applicability of current chapter definitions. See: 46 N.J.R. 1743(a).
In accordance with N.J.S.A. 52:14B-5.1b, Chapter 9B, State Board of Examiners and Certification, was scheduled to expire on December 10, 2015. See: 43 N.J.R. 1203(a).
Chapter 9B, State Board of Examiners and Certification, was readopted as R.2015 d.196, effective November 12, 2015. As a part of R.2015 d.196, Subchapter 1, Scope and Purpose, was adopted as new rules; former Subchapter 6, Types of Certificates, was repealed, and Subchapter 6, College Courses and Certifications, was adopted as new rules; former Subchapter 7, Qualifying Academic Credentials, was recodified as Subchapter 15, and Subchapter 7, Substitute Credential, was adopted as new rules; Subchapter 8, Requirements for Instructional Certificate, was renamed Requirements for Instructional Certification; Subchapter 9, Instructional Certificates, was renamed Instructional Endorsements; Subchapter 10, Exceptions to Requirements for the Instructional Certificate, was renamed Additional Requirements or Exceptions to Requirements for Instructional Endorsements for Certification; former Subchapter 11, Requirements for Administrative Certification, was recodified as Subchapter 12, and Subchapter 11, Additional Requirements or Exceptions to Requirements for Instructional Certification with Special Endorsements, was adopted as new rules; and former Subchapter 12, Requirements for Educational Services Certification, was recodified as Subchapter 14, effective December 7, 2015. See: 47 N.J.R. 1730(a), 47 N.J.R. 2989(a).
Petition for Rulemaking. See: 49 N.J.R. 285(b), 674(b).
Subchapter 11A, Requirements For Teacher Leader Endorsement, was adopted as new rules by R.2019 d.045, effective May 20, 2019. See: 51 N.J.R. 9(a), 51 N.J.R. 724(b).
Subchapter 8A, Limited Instructional Certificate of Eligibility and Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing Pilot Program, was adopted as new rules by R.2022 d.082, effective July 5, 2022. See: 54 N.J.R. 401(a), 54 N.J.R. 1267(a).
Petition for Rulemaking. See: 55 N.J.R. 497(b), 973(a).
Chapter 9B, State Board of Examiners and Certification, was readopted as R.2023 d.061, effective April 6, 2023. As a part of R.2023 d.061, Subchapter 15, Qualifying Academic Credentials, was renamed Academic Qualifying Credentials, effective May 1, 2023. See: Source and Effective Date. See, also, section annotations.


6A:9B-14.14 School library media specialist

(a) The school library media specialist (SLMS) endorsement authorizes the holder to serve as a school library media specialist in grades preschool through grade 12. The functions include: delivery of instruction in information literacy skills, the development and coordination of school library media programs and resources; and the delivery of instruction in the delivery of instruction in the evaluation, selection, organization, distribution, creation, and utilization of school library media. Media are defined as all print, non-print, and electronic resources including the technologies needed for their use.

(b) To be eligible for a CE with the SLMS endorsement, a candidate shall hold a master’s degree in library media studies from an accredited college or university.

(c) To be eligible for a CEAS with the SLMS endorsement, a candidate shall hold a master’s degree from an accredited college and complete the following:

1. Hold a standard New Jersey or out-of-State instructional certificate. A military science endorsement will not satisfy this requirement;

2. A Department-approved graduate program that specifically prepares the candidate for the certificate; or

3. A program of graduate studies consisting of a clinical experience that includes instruction and management, which shall be completed in a school library media center, and a minimum of 36 semester-hour credits in a coherent sequence of studies, including the following:

i. Organization and coordination of school library media programs, resources, and instruction to provide a sequential course of study for students;
ii. Application of learning theory to reading, listening, and viewing library media resources;
iii. Access, evaluation, selection, and utilization of library media resources;
iv. Design and development of multimedia materials;
v. Design, development, and integration of information literacy skills and the library media program throughout the school curriculum;
vi. Integration of educational resources and technology throughout the school curriculum;
vii. Children’s literature and young adult literature;
viii. Development and implementation of policies and procedures for effective and efficient acquisition, cataloging, processing, circulation, and maintaining equipment and resources to ensure equitable access;
ix. Development, implementation, and evaluation of library media programs to meet educational goals, including management of library personnel, resources, and facilities; and
x. Utilization of current and emergent technologies in all phases of school library media programs.

(d) To be eligible for a provisional educational services certificate with a SLMS endorsement, the candidate shall:

1. Possess a CE or CEAS with the SLMS endorsement; and

2. Obtain an offer of employment in a position that requires the SLMS endorsement.

(e) To be eligible for the standard educational services certificate with a SLMS endorsement, a candidate shall:

1. Possess a provisional educational services certificate with a SLMS endorsement pursuant to (d) above;

2. Complete a coherent college program at an accredited college or university that includes a minimum of nine semester-hour credits in educational theory, curriculum design and integration, teaching methodology, student/learning development, and behavior management. Holders of a CEAS with the SLMS endorsement are exempt from this requirement;

3. Complete graduate-level coursework in the school library media topics listed at (c)3 above that were not included in the candidate’s library media master’s program. Holders of a CEAS with the SLMS endorsement are exempt from this requirement;

4. Complete a year-long school-based residency program in a school library media center.  The residency program shall:

i. Consist of a supervised residency that includes professional experiences in the delivery of instruction in information literacy skills; the development and coordination of school library media programs and resources; and the delivery of instruction in the evaluation, selection, organization, distribution, creation, and utilization of school library media.

  1. A school administrator, principal, or supervisor shall provide supervision during the candidate’s provisional year. An experienced school library media specialist shall mentor the candidate throughout the residency. If no experienced SLMS is available within the school district to mentor the candidate, an experienced SLMS may be provided by a Commissioner-approved mentoring program; and

ii. Be agreed upon through a Department-issued residency agreement outlining the responsibilities as set forth in this section and entered into by the Department, the employing school, the candidate, and the residency supervisor.

(f) The residency supervisor shall have primary responsibility to ensure the candidate receives appropriate training, support, mentoring, practicum experiences, and professional opportunities in the critical job responsibilities specified in the agreement and consistent with (a) above. The residency supervisor shall also evaluate and verify the completion of all required experiences according to the residency agreement’s terms and conditions.

(g) Upon completion of the residency period, the supervisor shall complete a comprehensive evaluation report on the candidate’s performance based on the candidate’s ability to complete the job duties at (a) above and to implement the theoretical concepts (c)3 above. The supervisor shall discuss the evaluation report with the candidate, and both shall sign the report. The residency supervisor shall submit the completed evaluation to the Office. The evaluation on each candidate shall include one of the following recommendations:

1. Approved: Recommends issuance of a standard educational services certificate with a SLMS endorsement;

2. Insufficient: Recommends that a standard educational services certificate with a SLMS endorsement not be issued, but that the candidate be allowed to continue the residency or seek admission to an additional residency. Except for those candidates who receive approval pursuant to  N.J.A.C. 6A:9B-4.13(d), a candidate who receives a second insufficient recommendation shall be precluded from continuing or re-entering a residency; or

3. Disapproved: Recommends that a standard educational services certificate with a SLMS endorsement not be issued. The candidate shall be precluded from continuing or re-entering a residency.

(h) If the candidate disagrees with the residency supervisor’s recommendation, the candidate may appeal the recommendation pursuant to  N.J.A.C. 6A:9B-4.12.

(i) The holder of a standard educational services certificate with an associate school library media specialist (ASLMS) endorsement is eligible for the SLMS upon completion of the requirements in (c)3 above.

(j) Upon the executive county superintendent’s request, the Office may issue an emergency certificate may be issued to a candidate who has a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and has completed a minimum of 12 graduate-level semester-hour credits in school library media.

(k) An individual who holds one of the following shall be eligible for the standard certificate with a SLMS endorsement:

1. A permanent New Jersey school librarian or standard certificate with an educational media specialist endorsement; or

2. A standard certificate with an ALMS endorsement. The candidate also shall complete a graduate-degree program at an accredited college or university with specialization in school library media studies.

(l) Individuals holding the school librarian or educational media specialist endorsement may serve in any position requiring the SLMS endorsement.

6A:9B-14.15 Associate school library media specialist

(a) Effective September 1, 2027, the Department will no longer issue the associate school library media specialist (ASLMS) endorsement.

  1.  A candidate who is matriculated and enrolled in classes in a State-approved education preparation program prior to June 1, 2023, and is recommended by their educator preparation program no later than August 31, 2027, shall be eligible for the ASLMS endorsement.
  2.  Applicants in possession of a written evaluation completed by the Office prior to June 1, 2023, shall have until August 31, 2027, to complete the requirements set forth in the written evaluation. A candidate who does not apply to the Office by August 31, 2027, shall not be eligible for the ASLMS endorsement.

(b) The endorsement authorizes the holder to serve as a school library media specialist in preschool through grade 12 under the supervision of a certified school administrator, principal, or supervisor. The functions include: delivery of instruction in information literacy skills; the development and coordination of school library media programs and resources; and instruction in the evaluation, selection, organization, distribution, creation, and utilization of school library media. These media are defined as all print, non-print, and electronic resources, including the technologies needed for their use.

(c) To be eligible for a CE with the ASLMS endorsement, a candidate shall have completed a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and one of the following:

  1.  A Department-approved graduate program that specifically prepares the candidate for the certificate; or
  2. A program of graduate studies consisting of at least 18 semester-hour credits in a coherent sequence of studies, including the following:

i. Access, evaluation, selection, and utilization of library media resources;
ii. Organization and coordination of school library media programs, resources, and instruction to provide preschool through grade 12 students with a sequential course of studies;
iii. Children’s literature and young-adult literature;
iv. Design, development, and integration of information literacy skills throughout the school curriculum;
v. Design and development of multimedia materials;
vi. Utilization of current and emergent technologies in all phases of school library media programs; and
vii. A clinical experience that includes instruction and management. This experience shall be completed in a school library media center.

(d) To be eligible for a CEAS with an ASLMS endorsement, a candidate shall complete the requirements at (c) above and one of the following:

1. Hold a standard New Jersey or out-of-State instructional certificate. A military science endorsement shall not satisfy this requirement;
2. Complete a State-approved college educator preparation program with or without clinical practice; or
3. Complete a coherent college program at an accredited college or university that includes a minimum of nine semester-hour credits in educational theory, curriculum design and integration, teaching methodology, student/learning development, and behavior management.

(e) To be eligible for a provisional educational services certificate with an ASLMS endorsement, the candidate shall:

1. Possess a CE or CEAS with an ASLMS endorsement; and
2. Obtain an offer of employment in a position that requires the ASLMS endorsement.


(f) To be eligible for the standard educational services certificate with an ASLMS endorsement, a candidate shall:

1. Possess a provisional educational services certificate with an ASLMS endorsement pursuant to (e) above;
2. Complete a coherent college program at an accredited college or university that includes a minimum of nine semester-hour credits in educational theory, curriculum design and integration, teaching methodology, student/learning development, and behavior management. Holders of a CEAS with an ASLMS endorsement are exempt from the study requirements; and

3. Complete a year-long school-based residency program in a school library media center. The residency program shall:

i. Consist of a supervised residency that includes professional experiences in the delivery of instruction in information literacy skills and the development and coordination of school library media programs and resources. In addition, the residency includes the delivery of instruction in the evaluation, selection, organization, distribution, creation, and utilization of school library media.

  1.  A certified school administrator, principal, or supervisor shall provide supervision during the candidate’s provisional year. An experienced school library media specialist shall mentor the candidate throughout the residency. If no experienced SLMS is available within the school district to mentor the candidate, an experienced SLMS may be provided by a Commissioner-approved mentoring program; and
ii. Be agreed upon through a Department-issued residency agreement outlining the responsibilities as set forth in this section and entered into by the Department, the employing school, the candidate, and the residency supervisor.

(g) The residency supervisor shall have primary responsibility to ensure the candidate receives appropriate training, support, mentoring, practicum experiences, and professional opportunities in the critical job responsibilities specified at (b) above. The residency supervisor also shall evaluate and verify the completion of all required experiences according to the residency agreement’s terms and conditions.

(h) Upon the residency period’s completion, the supervisor shall complete a comprehensive evaluation report on the candidate’s performance based on the candidate’s ability to complete the job responsibilities at (b) above and to implement the theoretical concepts at (c)2 above. The supervisor shall discuss the evaluation report with the candidate and both shall sign the report. The supervisor shall submit the completed evaluation to the Office. The evaluation on each candidate shall include one of the following recommendations:

1. Approved: Recommends issuance of a standard educational services certificate with an ASLMS endorsement;
2. Insufficient: Recommends a standard educational services certificate with an ASLMS endorsement not be issued, but the candidate be allowed to continue the residency or seek admission to an additional residency. Except for candidates who receive approval pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:9B-4.13(d), a candidate who receives a second insufficient recommendation shall be precluded from continuing or re-entering a residency; or
3. Disapproved: Recommends a standard educational services certificate with an ASLMS endorsement not be issued. The candidate shall be precluded from continuing or re-entering a residency.

(i) If the candidate disagrees with the residency supervisor’s recommendation, the candidate may appeal the recommendation in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:9B-4.12.

(j) Upon the executive county superintendent’s request, the Office may issue an emergency certificate to a candidate who completes a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and a minimum of six graduate semester-hour credits in school library media.

(k) Policies governing the ASLMS endorsement are as follows:

1. The holder of a standard or permanent New Jersey teacher-librarian or the associate educational media specialist endorsement shall be eligible for the ASLMS endorsement.
2. The holder of the teacher-librarian or associate educational media specialist endorsement shall be eligible for an extension of the authorization to carry out the functions of the ASLMS authorization.

(l) Any certificate holder who holds the standard ASLMS endorsement prior to August 31, 2027, and the endorsement remains in good standing, may be employed pursuant to the endorsement, as authorized.





11A:3-5: Political subdivision unclassified service.

 11A:3-5. Political subdivision unclassified service. The political subdivision unclassified service shall not be subject to the provisions of this title unless otherwise specified and shall include the following:

o. Directors of free public libraries in cities of the first class having a population of more than 270,000 according to the 2010 federal decennial census;

amended 1987, c.113, s.1; 1991, c.494, s.1; 2002, c.59, s.1; 2008, c.29, s.24; 2017, c.65.



Please be advised that the entire text of the following sections from Title 2B have not been reprinted. These sections provide that certain county judicial employees, including law library personnel, are now state employees.



2B:10-3. Definitions

3. As used in this act:

d. “Judicial employee” means any person employed by the county prior to January 1, 1995 to perform judicial functions, including but not limited to employees working for the courts and the law library, employees who act as court aides and employees of the county clerk judicial function and those involved in bail processing and any person employed by a county probation office, except that employees of the surrogate’s office and employees of the sheriff’s office shall not be construed to be judicial employees;

L.1993, c. 275, s.3; amended 1994, c. 162, s.13.

2B:10-4: State costs, employees, and fees after 1994

4. On and after January 1, 1995:

a. The State is required to pay for judicial costs and probation costs;

b. All judicial employees shall be employees of the state; and

c. Any judicial fees or probation fees collected shall be paid to the State Treasury.

L.1993, c. 275, s.4.


2B:11-3 Definitions

As used in this act:

b. “State judicial employee” means any person, including but not limited to transferred employees, employed by the state on or after January 1, 1995, to provide any services and direct support necessary for the effective operation of the judicial system, including but not limited to employees working for the courts and the law library, employees who act as court aides and those involved in bail processing and probation, and excluding justices and judges as defined in N.J.S.2B:2-4.

L.1994, c. 162, s.3.

Last Updated: October 2023.