The Talking Book and Braille Center

Talking Book and Braille Center In-Person Access Details on in-person access are found HERE. Members of the public can continue to request assistance by email at

For the latest news about the Talking Book and Braille Center, please visit our News section.

2023 Regional Library of the Year - NLS - National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled - Library of CongressWelcome to The New Jersey State Library Talking Book and Braille Center (TBBC). Founded in 1967, TBBC is a library that provides no-cost, home-delivered services, on behalf of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled to children, teens and adults in New Jersey who have difficulty reading standard print or trouble holding a book.

Apply for our library service.

Contact us toll-free at 800-792-8322, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

More Information for Library Staff

About Us

The New Jersey State Library Talking Book and Braille Center (TBBC) serves New Jersey residents of all ages (children, teens and adults) who cannot read standard print or who cannot hold a book or turn the pages of a book because of a physical impairment, a reading disability, or a visual impairment.  TBBC provides no-cost, home-delivered services as a regional library of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS), a division of the U.S. Library of Congress. In addition to serving individuals, we serve all places in NJ that serve eligible residents and we serve libraries.  You must apply for service.
TBBC is a division of the New Jersey State Library.  The New Jersey State Library is affiliated with Thomas Edison State University.  The New Jersey State Library Talking Book and Braille Center is supported with funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services .

Contact us: Call toll-free 800-792-8322; Email

TBBC is open five days a week, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  Monday through Friday. We are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and State Holidays.

All visitors to the State Library, including the Talking Book and Braille Center, who are 17 years or older are required to present a photo ID to security upon entrance. This is a security protocol that will not be waived for any reason or any visitor.

Adult Services:

Fax: 609-406-7181
Phone: 800-792-8322 (hold the line to speak with a reader’s advisor)

Children and Teen Services:

Fax: 609-406-7181
Phone: 800-792-8322, ext 823

Street Address:

2300 Stuyvesant Avenue
Trenton NJ 08618

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 501
Trenton NJ 08625-0501

Directions to the Library

Ask a Talking Book and Braille question

You can find answers to frequently asked questions here.

Connect with us on social media
Connect with us on Facebook Connect with us on Instagram Connect with us on (Formerly Twitter) Connect with us on YouTube


Who Do We Serve?

The no-cost, home-delivered services of the New Jersey State Library Talking Book and Braille Center (TBBC) are available to all New Jersey residents of any age (children, teens and adults) whose ability to read is affected by a physical impairment, a reading disability or a vision impairment.  This includes anyone who cannot read standard print or who cannot hold a book or turn the pages of a book.  Read our kudos page and discover how important our services are to those we serve.

What Do We Have?

The New Jersey State Library Talking Book and Braille Center provides books in Braille and audio formats. TBBC’s collection has tens of thousands of book titles and dozens of periodicals available.  Machines for playing the recorded materials are available on loan from TBBC.  We also have an app for Apple and Android devices: BARD Mobile. BARD Mobile is a part of the Braille and Audio Reading Download service,  offered by the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, Library of Congress.

Our services include:

Audiobook Players

Books and Magazines

News Reading Service

Services for Librarians:

How Do You Get Services?

Each new reader must complete an application and have it certified for eligibility for our services.  To obtain an application, call us toll-free at 1-800-792-8322, or visit our Apply for Service page to download an application. Everything shipped between TBBC and you is shipped postage-free as “Free Matter for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.”

Institute of Museum and Library Services Logotype

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed on this website do not necessarily represent those of the Institute of Museum and Library Services.