Read what the members of The New Jersey State Library Talking Book and Braille Center (TBBC) say about our services!
“Thank you for so many years of giving me the gift of having books read to me so that I now have a great vocabulary and an “inner library of laughter, characters, stories, history, emotions, people, places, animals and the world!” Without the Talking Book and Braille Center I would have spent many superficial hours and now I have a wealth of knowledge. My mother spent many years buying me costly books on tape/books on CDs and now I can have so much more for free. Thank you always.”
“Thank you for all the books. These books give me a lot of pleasure.”
“Thank you so much for the wonderful service afforded me over the past 20 years. I can’t see what I’m writing, but I hope you will be able to ‘transcribe’ it. I love the library as well as all the very kind and pleasant advisors. I would really be lost without the library.”
“Your talking books that daily fill my husband’s life are true lifesavers. They inform, entertain and keep him active and involved in life. We so appreciate what you do. Keep them coming.”
“Thank you for the gift of reading.”
“Thank you for all you do. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have your talking books to fill my time with information and pleasure.”
“Our family would like to thank your center (NJSL/TBBC) in our Mom’s memory… We are so grateful that a service like yours exists. It was a true lifeline for her even in her last days. She was always an avid reader before she got macular degeneration and your books were a blessing since she also was hard of hearing and TV was no longer an option for her. May God bless your services for all the good you do…”
Regarding our Library Equal Access Program (LEAP): “MANY THANKS….YOU FOLKS ARE A REAL GODSEND!!!”
From the Free Public Library of North Bergen:
“Enclosed in this package are seven applications for free library services for the disabled. On November 14th through the 17th we visited four senior housing buildings within our township to discuss library services which enabled us to reach seven residents who are in great need of these services. Thank you for the opportunity to provide our residents with this amazing resource.”
“This donation is a thank you for the excellent services you provide for those who are visually impaired. A special thank you to the wonderful members of your staff who are always extremely helpful and pleasant at all times.”
“I want you to know how much my “talking books” have meant to me. I have been a client for about 25 years and they have been my lifeline. Thank you so very much for giving me such pleasure.”
“Thanks so much. Your services have made a positive difference in my mom’s life.”
“I am 93 years old and I love your services. Thank you.”
“We would like to make the enclosed donation to the New Jersey State Library Talking Book and Braille Center in memory of [name of member]. Her eyes grew more and more dim as she aged, and eventually she was no longer able to read, which was one of her most treasured pastimes. The services that your center offers allowed her last months and days to pass more pleasantly. Thank you for allowing her to at least hear the books that she would have delighted to read for herself.”
“I wanted to thank you personally for the wonderful NJ State Library Talking Book and Braille Center. My parents regularly received books on tape from your library and it was a godsend. They were in poor health but lifelong, avid readers. Once their eyesight diminished to the point where reading was near impossible, they learned about your service. Indeed, over the last year or two, they spent many hours listening to the talking books…..Your staff does an amazing job selecting books and coordinating the service. Thank you from the bottom of my heart in making my parents’ last couple of years a more interesting and enjoyable time because of your books.”
“Don’t know what we would do without this service! It’s the only enjoyment my mom has anymore!! Thank you!!!”
“We cannot express how helpful this service was to my father. He would educate our family with all he learned from these books.”
“Thank you for all you do to make our lives happier.”
“…The audioreader has been such a great addition to the Hospital Elder Life Program. …Just a little anecdote. We have a patient who has been very upset and irritable with almost everything and everyone in the hospital. I played Chicken soup for the soul books for him and it’s about the only thing he’s very happy with!!!”
“Thank you for this priceless service. You should know the digital books gave my mother countless hours of the highest quality entertainment…Keep up your important work and kind, patient help over the phone. Know you are appreciated and needed.”
“The enclosed check….is a small token of my appreciation for the “book reading” service you have provided for me and others who have experienced or continue to experience limited vision. I hope that my small contribution will help to continue to provide this valuable service to those in need. Thank you.”
“My mother…passed away last week. She always looked forward to receiving your talking books and spent many pleasurable hours listening, and even more, talking about what she was reading. Because she liked nonfiction, we all benefited from the books you sent. Please accept this modest donation to your Talking Books and Braille Center in appreciation for all you do to enhance lives of people who can’t see.”
“For many years while living in Virginia and now returning to New Jersey in 2011, I have enjoyed and benefited from talking books. They are what I turn to when the chores are finished and I can return to my favorite past-time – listening to the talented readers of talking books. Many years ago I had turned to large print editions. Before long the large prints were impossible for me. When I found out about talking books “the world turned on again.” My thanks to all who make them possible!”
“Thank you so much for your kindness, courtesy and helpfulness when my daughter called…from Whiting, NJ…Bless your heart. Thanks again and again.”
“Thank you for your help in getting my mother set up with the library services. She enjoyed listening to the books. Reading was very important to her. Although she passed away last weekend, she was very happy to be able to use your services in her final weeks.”
“Thank you so much for your service to [name of patron]. It made a real difference in her quality of life.”
“My mom loves the book service. She was an avid reader her entire life, and was devastated when she got macular degeneration. We were thrilled to find your service, it makes her life enjoyable, and it’s so nice that the books are delivered to her home.”
“I want to extend a special thank you to all involved with the Talking Book and Braille Center. My mother loved to read and the loss of her ability to read was very difficult for her. The talking books provided my mom with many hours of enjoyment in her final years. The work done by all of you, truly made a difference for my mother in a positive way.”
“Thank you. Your service is a blessing, a lifesaver for my 91 year-old, blind mother. ..”
“My husband [name of patron] would be lost without the services of the library. It is an important lifeline.”
“Kindly accept this…contribution as my “memorial” donation (since I am now 92+) in gratitude and thanks for the many hours I have enjoyed reading and then listening to the cassettes and later digital recordings. I don’t know what I would have done without your service. It has passed so many delightful hours for me…When macular degeneration took my sight, I was lost, especially since I was an avid reader. I read many of your large print books before my sight worsened and even large print books became too difficult. Then I was saved by your cassette recordings…and, now, your digital recordings. My daughter is able to download many books for me on her computer…So, many, many thanks from Audubon NJ!!”
“My mother [name of patron] is 105 years old, and listens to the books on tape you send every single day. I don’t know what she would do without them because she was a librarian and is totally blind now. THANK YOU.”
“I would also like to thank Luz who has spent time with me to get me over the hurdle of getting started. I still call her to order books because of her helpfulness and good nature.”
“This contribution is in honor of my 93 year old mother, [name of patron], who, as a resident of Princeton Care Center…. receives hours of enjoyment from the talking books you provide.”
“I really enjoy the tapes. Thank you very much!”
“My brother got blind…from viral infection in the optic nerve. Your audiobooks has helped him much since he is a avid reader. Keep up the good work!”
“A note of thanks on behalf of my husband [name of patron]. He suffered an anoxic brain injury in May 2013, which caused him to be physically disabled as well as visually impaired (cortical blindness). When he came home 100 days later, we had a visit from a representative from the Commission for the Blind; and she suggested “Talking Books.” These books have been a Godsend in his life and mine as well. I am a full time Caregiver and these books keep my husband occupied and entertained giving me the opportunity to briefly step away to steel some personal needed time for myself. It is also great that he can choose the books of his interest. When we were away last winter, I reached out to your representative, Luz, in Trenton with some questions and also a request to forward the books to us until we returned home. She could not have been more accommodating. Currently my husband is working with his case worker, Aly, from the Commission for the Blind on learning how to use an i-phone. She is educated and patient in her training. I would like to compliment your staff on their expertise as well as the manner they treat the people they are helping. I am very impressed with your program; and also appreciate their kindness to me as the Caregiver when I reach out to them. An immense thank you for putting together a great program as well as your staff for implementing it.”
“I was diagnosed with ALS in 2013 and I’ve been getting books on tape from you since then. I greatly appreciate this service. Thank you so much and Happy Holidays!”
“Thank you for hours of pleasure I have received from the books sent to me.”
“Donald [last name]..enjoyed the materials you provided. Your service is a blessing.”
Here is a kudo received by TBBC thanking the Ocean County Library – Toms River branch for introducing a patron to TBBC’s services: “Allen was an avid reader until is eyesight failed. The fact that he could get audiobooks ..was appreciated by him and his family.”
Kudo from the wife of a TBBC patron who passed in August 2014:
“The Talking Books were his lifeline for many years and you always provided great service and good selections. I believe it was one of the things that kept him going.”
“My father [name] died on September 12, 2014 at [name of place]. He designated the New Jersey State Library Talking Book and Braille Center as one of the three organizations for friends and family to contribute in his memory. The last week of his life, my dad was still listening to your books and discussing them with his visitors. He was a life-long learner and was so grateful for the mental stimulation he was provided by your audiobooks.”
Here is a kudo received by Cathy Adamo at the East Brunswick Public Library (EBPL). EBPL is partnering with TBBC, in our BARD Pilot Project, to help TBBC members download from the Braille and Audio Reading Download site (BARD):
“Can you also get “Unbroken” by Ann Hildebrand (not sure of spelling of her name)? No rush, just interested…it was recommended to my dad. BTW, he is loving this program, it’s changed his life. He looks forward to listening several times a day. He never ‘read’ so much in his life!”
“My father [name] died…. He designated the NJ State Library Talking Book and Braille Center as one of the three organizations for friends and family to contribute in his memory…The last week of his life, my Dad was still listening to your books and discussing them with his visitors. He was a life-long learner and was so grateful for the mental stimulation he was provided by your audiobooks…”
“Dear Friends. thank you very much for your tapes. I enjoy them very much.”
“I am 94 years old and legally blind. I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate your wonderful service. Thank you so very much.”
Here is a thank you regarding our Audiovision radio reading service:
“Words cannot express how much enjoyment he received listening to the news each day. We so appreciated the service this provided him. “
The Mount Laurel library, one of our BARD pilot libraries, received this wonderful thank you from a patron. Two library staff members, David Calvanico and Janet Wolper, are featured in the thank you:
Dear Kathy:
“Your name was given to me by Cindy Warrick. I had mentioned to her the two angels in your organization who have been so helpful to us in the last several years. My husband was diagnosed some time ago with Macular Degeneration and it has spiraled downward so that he now has 98% vision loss. Earlier in his diagnosis I would drive him to the Mt. Laurel Library and using the names of authors he prefers we would check out audio books for him. As his disease progressed, David Calvanico assisted us in getting him signed up for the Talking Books Program and also explained the program where you can get local papers read on certain TV channels….. The talking books have been a Godsend…. In addition, David and Janet Wolper were helpful in teaching me how to download books to my computer by using a flash drive. …… Eventually between David and Janet and I, we decided to have my husband and I put together a list of books and take the list to Janet. Usually we have a list of about 50 books at a time. Janet has been very vigilant about obtaining these books for Richard either through Mt. Laurel Library or Inter-Library Loan and in some cases where budget allowed she would order the books. We put our list together through NY Times best seller lists, Philadelphia Inquirer best sell list, plus looking through subjects and authors that he prefers through website such as This works extremely well and Janet is prudent about not sending too many books at once. An email is sent to me from the library when books are on hold and I can stop by and pick them up when I am out running errands. Wouldn’t it be wonderful it every patron of the library with special needs would have such a wonderful experience as we have had. David and Janet also are very kind to talk to Richard by phone from time to time when he has called to talk about something he has a question about. I am well aware that with budget cuts over the years they are being asked to do more in less time. That is never noticeable in terms of how we are treated. I assume there may be others in the library that help to facilitate this program and the entire staff is just very friendly and courteous. How lucky are we? It is definitely clear to me that his ability to keep occupied through David and Janet’s efforts has made his transition into loss of vision much easier than it would otherwise have been. If there is every a way for Janet and David to receive special recognition for their kindness to us, I would appreciate your letting me know. They definitely deserve to be recognized.”
“Thank YOU very much for this practical and informative session! You are an excellent presenter and were great with the Q&A. We all learned quite a bit and found it well worth our time. We will help spread the information to other PalsPlus libraries that were not in attendance.”
“I was pleased to make your acquaintance and it’s great to now feel like I know a face in the TBBC.”
“You have no idea how much your services mean to me. I am legally blind. I cannot read or watch TV. These books are my only entertainment.”
“A very big thank you from all our members for your wonderful presentation Monday at the Golden Age Club…. As you could see from all the questions, this is a worthy service that so few knew existed. Your talk made all the difference. I know of someone -in Pennsylvania- and am passing on the info to his wife. Hope they find someone as knowledgeable and accommodating as you. Man, many thanks for your time and effort to make this as understandable as you did.”
“Thank you so very much. You were a great help and I truly appreciate the time you took to walk me through the steps. You are wonderful. Have a great day.”
“Thank you for coming in today and sharing these wonderful resources. These websites look great, too. We appreciate your help, and it was very nice meeting you.”
“Thank you again for coming to our office this morning and meeting with my staff. Your presentation and demonstration was very informative and interesting.”
“My name is [Patron] and I am the President of ‘Visionary Trail Blazers.’ On behalf of our group we wish…. a Blessing to NJTBBC because you Bless us and many others who love to read and now we can listen.” “I am so happy for our consumers who are really benefiting from the book players! It truly does make a big difference in their lives. Thank you so much for your continuing assistance!”
“I just wanted to thank you for your presentation, and it was very informative. I hope to see you in the future.”
“I wanted to thank you and your associates for this program. It truly is a miracle gift to persons who cannot see. With these books, my father has a full life and something to look forward to and occupy his mind, each day- as opposed to listening to the same 10 minutes of news on the radio, all day. This is the best use of our tax dollars ever!”
“…Her life was greatly enriched by listening to tapes of books and magazines which were available through your center. My family is very grateful for the many hours of enjoyment she had thanks to you and the services you provide.”
“Our mother [name of TBBC member]…greatly enjoyed listening to the books on tape in your talking book loan program these past few years. She was an avid reader in the past, and these books you offered helped her stay in touch with the literature she loved…”
“…Your organization is just wonderful! Kudos to all the lovely ladies that are your “readers advisors.” Thank you. God bless all!”
From Mary Jane Clark, the keynote speaker at our Fall Festival 2013:
“It was my pleasure and honor to be there, [name of TBBC staff member]. Thanks so very much for all the preparation you did and for shepherding me through a very satisfying interview. You are a delight! Thank you, too, for your important library work. I cant think of much else that could be as important. All best, Mary Jane.”
“The Friends want to thank you for the fantastic [2013] Fall Festival. Many commented that it was one of the best. I, personally, enjoyed it immensely. All of the activities were of interest to us. I only wish I could have been twins. The day went too quickly. The Friends were honored to have a part in this event. Appreciatively,The Officers of the Friends and all the members.”
“So glad we were able to meet. I’m anxious to share the program with our clients!” [home health care agency in Ridgewood]
“Dear [name of TBBC staff member]. It was a lucky day when my parents met you at the South Brunswick Library. You have opened a wonderful world of books for me. I am finishing the first selection and Mom and I are compiling a long list of audio books. My husband, George, hooked up an amplifier listening device to the audio player. It works great. I cannot thank you enough. Love, your friend [name of TBBC patron].”
“Many thanks for keeping me occupied, interested and informed by the very many books yuou have supplied me with this year…” “My mother used the audio tapes and later the digital player to enjoy many books over the years. Her life was made so much richer by her ability to enjoy books through your program. It helped her to fill hours since she could not see well enough to read books or watch television. The books from the center were the only entertainment she had, especially near the end of her life. Thank you so much for providing this service.” “Wishing you a glad heart and a happy season! Thank you for your wonderful service.”
“Thank you for the work you do.” “[Name of Patron] suffered with vision problems for some time. Enclosed is a check from our VFW Erial Post 5794 in memory of [Name of Patron], the beloved wife of our comrade [Name].” [Name of Patron] is 104 years old and totally blind. Without your services I don’t know what she would do. She listens to your books all day long. THANK YOU!”
“Hi [name of TBBC staff member] I would like to thank you for all the help you’ve given me I’m really excited about listening to audio books on BARD…” “[Name of TBBC staff member], thank you so much for your assistance. God bless you.”
“…In sum [name of librarian from the Bridgewater township library]’s, search strategies solved this disabled/internet-disabled patron’s problem from end to end rather than leaving the person’s application issues only partially resolved. Surely, treating a disabled library patron identically to how he would want himself served, or to how he with all faculties would have solved it for himself, is the highest standard of service performance, one identical to the Golden Rule. The library should be very proud of [name of librarian].”
“…[Name of TBBC member] has been a regular user of this fantastic service. She continues to enjoy all the books that are sent…” “It would be impossible to convey to you how much you do for my mother, [Patron Name], 104 years old. She is completely blind from macular degeneration and used to be a librarian. She sits all day long and listens to your tapes. It is her life and keeps her engaged and interested. She is better read than I am! Thank you!”
“[Patron Name] was a gentle, wonderful, caring man who loved to read. In 2001, he lost his eyesight and was very fortunate to be able to receive books on tape and tape players so he could continue his passion with books…Thank you for your precious and so very important work with and for the blind. I truly appreciate all that you do and especially all that you have done for [Patron Name].”
“We really appreciate all of your help. Kathy came to our office yesterday, she demonstrated the digital book player to a few and also set everyone up with their thumb drives with 5 books on it The book players have made such an impact to some of our members and we greatly appreciate all you have done!”
“Thank you for your great service. I am 93 years old and books on tape fill many hours and keep me from being lonely. A good tape is a pleasure…”
“Miracles do happen! thanks for adding so much to the Talking Book and Braille Center. You are indeed the best advertising for our library and for we who use those particular segments that we know about. Now, you’re making available at least part of the pie, if not the whole things, to many of us who didn’t know about: Advanced players, Audiovision, Newsline, etc. What a blessing that some of us came with the purest of intentions to hear you speak at Mary Ann’s Morris County Low Vision Group, hel[d] monthly, during the school year, at the Foundation for the Blind. Thankfully, you are the kickoff speaker this year, September 11, 2013…..” [name of TBBC staff member]
“Thanks for giving us the opportunity to utilize the audio books for our seniors. What a blessing its been for a few of our seniors that loved reading in their younger years and still can continue to enjoy their reading now as they continue to age. We have had a great turn out with these audio…” Thanks again and have a great day.” “I am writing you today to Thank you for the wonderful service that your agency provides for so many folks who would not have the ability to enjoy a GOOD READ, without your devices and selection. To mention one of your patients without stating names, for HIPPA purposes, I have a young middle aged man who recently suffered stroke and is now partially paralyzed and Aphasic, suffers from dyspraxia, and apraxia. The gentlemen is a well-read person who is able to reach out to that wonderful world of literature through your service. The gentleman nods his head in appreciation and gratefulness, each time I bring him a NEW selection for him to enjoy. It is my pleasure, but the THANKS goes to your service.”
“Dear [Name of TBBC Librarian]: I really enjoyed listening to your lecture today. The lecture was very informative and the presentation in English was easy to understand. I would like to thank you, and [Name of Piscataway librarian] for spending your morning at the senior center and enlightening all of us about this Federal, and State services provided to handicapped persons free of charge……..Thank you, and hope to see you all soon at the senior center again. Kind personal regards..”
“Thank you for your support – for being there.”
“I am hooked on the talking books. I am handicapped, so I don’t get around much now. Talking books have opened a new avenue to get back to a whole life again.”
“I received your email. Thank you for everything you are doing for my Mother-in-Law (Member name). The books are what get her through her days. She has always been an avid reader, a lover of books. Having the player and access to the library has made her blindness more bearable. You and your organization are definitely life savers and changers. Again, thank you for all your time and efforts.”
“This service is a life saver for my husband.”
“My mother, [patron name], gets a great deal of pleasure out of the talking books. Because of her many handicaps, there is little else to occupy her. This is a wonderful service!”
“Thank you so much for all of your help and time. It is truly a pleasure to be working with you. Everyone just loves you!!” “I just followed your instructions (it was easy) and loaded a new book for Carole. Thanks again.”
“Thank you, [name of TBBC staff member]. You were SO helpful. I wanted to give up on this but you kept me going. You, and everyone I’ve ever spoken to there, have been SO nice and helpful. God bless you all.”
“I have completed listen to ‘Leonardo and the Last Supper” by Ross King!! Fascinating stuff!! I believe I found it so interesting because by training I received BS and MS in mechanical engineering. Also, I’m somewhat of a history buff – most of it English and U.S. history – so the description of Italy encasing this book was great. As was the social history of that time!! Wow! I have a limited knowledge of paints and protective coatings and these that Leonardo formulated and used I would have stated flat out – ‘these will fail immediately.’ A section that was fascinating was his use of perspective in the painting of ‘The Last Supper.’ As with previous books, I surely missed the figures, photographs – so I will see if our public library can obtain a copy of the Ross book. Yesterday, I received by mail ‘The Science of Leonardo’ [DB67336] which I look forward to listening to that – from my engineering viewpoint. Thanks again.”
“I want to say thank you for being a great library to me as I have RP [retinitis pigmentosa] through BB [Bardet-Biedl] syndrome. I love to read and am thankful for BARD and the books that come in mail to me. You have no idea how this is a blessing to me as I don’t have to depend on others to read to me..” “Thank you for the wonderful work you do. My father derived many hours of enjoyment listening to digital audio books. We even had fun choosing stories to download. I just wanted to “thank you for him.”
“On behalf of my husband, [Patron Name], thank you for your book service and all the happy hours it has provided.” “Just a note to thank you for the great service. I am enclosing an article I wrote in the Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet….in which I have featured the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. [sic] [Ispahany N. Aphasia. Journal of Consumer Health. (2012 Aug); 16(3): 352-365]. . …Have a great year!”
“We know that your consumers appreciate your services so very much. I surely do.”
“Thank you so much for taking time to come out and explain the program to us! We are excited to begin using the readers and decided to start up a book club in August! 🙂 “
“My aunt (Patron Name), recently passed away. It was suggested that contributions could be made to [TBBC]. During the last several years of her life, my aunt suffered from macular degeneration and relied on audio books as she could no longer read…..Your work enables many to enjoy the written word, even if vision is compromised. Keep up the good work and thank you….”
“We had a lovely interaction with a patron, (patron name), and his wife… I showed him how to download books from BARD and he seemed impressed with the relative simplicity and the ease of use on his player. (We downloaded two books so i could also show the Bookshelf feature). He is very grateful for the work we all do, both here at the Bridgewater library and there at the TBBC. Just thought you should know….”
“Thank you for this as I truly value your kindness!” “Greetings! Congratulations to you and the staff at The New Jersey Talking Book and Braille Center. Great staff. Great programs. Great support.”
“Thank you for taking the time to stop by the office yesterday. It was wonderful to meet you!!! I smile every time I think of Mom and Dad.. sitting around the table reading a book!!!! Its a wonderful thing!”
“You are so wonderful to be so prompt on my requests for [patron name]. He still is in a nursing home and still not able to walk. Its been 3 months since he broke his hip, and since he cannot see well he certainly is enjoying the tapes.”
“Thank you for a wonderful service. This has been a god-send for my 96 year-old mother.”
“Thank you so much and God bless. If everyone was as prompt with requests as you are to us wouldn’t it be a wonderful world today! “Your service to handicapped people – such as myself – is so selfless and kind. I pray for you often – that God bless you for your goodness to so many!”
“Thanks so much. We love our Bridgewater branch. It offers so many services! Mom loves her books on tape and CD and were so glad you offer this service.”
“Just want to thank all the people involved with the Talking Book Program. I listen to books all the time day and night. I take my reader ever where I go, walks, train, planes, doctor visits, etc. even to bed. I am never without it. It has changed my life for the best. I can listen to any type of book and even have newspapers read to me. Thanks again for all you hard work.”
“I’m very excited with the talking books! Sorry I didn’t responded to you sooner but I was really busy. Finally today I have the time to start with this new reading program for my clients. They were very happy with it. Their faces light up with the talking books…. They were very grateful that now we can offer another alternative for them. If I have any questions I will call you. Thank you very much. Take Care!”
“My friend, (name here), is a member of your wonderful organization (or should I say patron). She loves the books on tape. They are her salvation! She is blind in one eye and the sight in the other eye is failing. Thanks to your wonderful organization, the tapes help her enjoy her days…”
“Just a short note. I say thanks for the wonderful service you provide for me. As a person who has loved to read all of my life and no longer able to do so any more, I’m enclosing this donation to help you to continue to help me and others. Your recordings have filled many lonely hours.”
“Please accept this donation in memory of [patron name]. These talking books were truly a lifeline for our Aunt [patron name]. Always a reader, her failing eyesight almost cost her her love of books, but your organization allowed her to keep reading right up to the end of her long life. We are truly grateful for the work you do and wish you continued success.”
“I LOVE to read! I am disabled…obviously since I am on the BARD system. Ive been suffering allot of pain lately (not complaining…just explaining) and I cant do a whole lot….I could lay and stare at the celling…boring!!!!!!!I used to rent audio books from Cracker Barrel to listen to. Then I would have to load them to my iPod and thats allot of work and time at the computer…more pain!The BARD system is so easy to use!!!! Its quick! (not to mention free!!! ) I have grabbed a bunch of books from my some of my favorite authors. The weather here in NJ has been bad enough it causing me to be in allot of pain. I am so happy to have these books to listen to. I have been just laying in bed or sitting in my recliner listening to book after book. You guys and gals at the library will never know how much I appreciate how much easier this has made reading for me. I just wanted to say thank you to all of you there for being there and doing such great work!!!!”
“My tax dollars at work.” “Thank you so much for sending us the audio books and players. We have been using them for our sensory program and so far, the response has been positive from our residents. Thank you for introducing our facility to this service. It is a pleasure.”
“Thank you so much for the many years, and those to come, of support and enjoyment you have given our Grandma (name here). With our deepest thanks and appreciation.”
“Thank you for the gift of education and entertainment your books provide.”
“This is a great service and these books are keeping me going. I don’t know what I’d do without it. Thank you.”
“Thank you for being there.”
“Although I often choose authors and books, I also enjoy being surprised with a book I might not have known about. Thanks for giving me some new favorites.”
“Thank you for the many hours of pleasurable listening.” “Terrific blog!”
“It is a great service you offer and we appreciate it. Thank you for all of your help with getting started.”
“I am a one-eyed person who is legally blind and I want you to know how I appreciate the digital recorder and the audio books I receive. I want you to also know how I deeply appreciate the courtesy of all the nice, kind, young ladies who answer the phone and are very helpful.” “I pray that you all stay well so that you can continue to do the great work you are now doing.”
“Thanks so much for your kind help……I think my mom is now set for some time. Again, thank you for being so thoughtful.”
“I am always interested in learning and sharing the knowledge and having my residents exposed to fun and new ideas. Thanks again so much for your time and patience….thanks for coming and re-introducing this amazing service to us.”
“Thanks so very much for your help with the [VA VISOR Program] manuals. These will create accessibility of our materials for visually impaired veterans! I appreciate your work and efforts on behalf of our veterans!”
“I love all the touching stories on the Kudos page and they really go to the heart! Thank you for sharing them. You and [staff name] have both been so extraordinarily helpful to EBPL [East Brunswick Public Library] with all our questions. I am glad that we are part of the BARD project as it is such a wonderful service that is unmatched anywhere else, and so is the staff!!”

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed on this website do not necessarily represent those of the Institute of Museum and Library Services.