Climate Action Planning (Part 2): Disaster Preparedness and Community Resilience

Part of a series, this webinar with the Sustainable Libraries Initiative will feature library practitioners who will discuss how they have prepared both libraries and communities for the impacts of climate change.

This panel discussion will feature practitioners with deep experience in preparing both their libraries, and their communities, for the impacts of climate change. Our panel will speak to traditional disaster preparedness, business continuity planning, community resilience work, and preparing communities for severe weather events and the increased likelihood of food supply interruptions. While libraries are not first responders, they should be connected with the emergency management community and be positioned as part of both the short-term and long-term “first restorer” network as disruptions amplified by climate change happen with more frequency.

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September 26, 2023, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Presented by:

Rebekkah Smith Aldrich(MLS, LEED AP), Executive Director, Mid-Hudson Library System (NY), Co-founder/Current President, Sustainable Libraries Initiative (SLI), and author



Keith Adams, Executive Director, New Jersey Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster



Michele Stricker, Deputy State Librarian,  Library Development Bureau, New Jersey State Library



Deborah Costa, Region 2 Community Preparedness Officer, FEMA



About Julia Giantomasi

I've had opportunities throughout my career to coordinate marketing and social media for live events and small businesses across various industries. I've enjoyed keeping up with the trends and using social media to not only promote quality services but create a sense of community. As the PR & Marketing Coordinator for the New Jersey State Library I can draw from these experiences in order to provide tips and best practices for libraries handling their own marketing and social media. I hope that I can be a resource to libraries across New Jersey as they engage with their communities.